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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Cara Install font Arial di Linux Fedora

Description Tutorial ini khusus untuk os yang memiliki package managementnya rpm. How to Download font wget Install font Arial sudo rpm -ivh msttcore-fonts-2.0-3.noarch.rpm Ceck font Arial sudah terinstall fc-list | grep "Arial" source:

Group By Array Object dengan aggregation sum dan avg

Case saya ingin menggroup id yang sama dari list ini dan ingin sum dari parameter ke-3 dan nge avg parameter ke-4. new Foo ( 1 , "P1" , 300.0 , 400.0 ), new Foo ( 2 , "P2" , 600.0 , 400.0 ), new Foo ( 3 , "P3" , 30.0 , 20.0 ), new Foo ( 3 , "P3" , 70.0 , 20.0 ), new Foo ( 1 , "P1" , 360.0 , 40.0 ), new Foo ( 4 , "P4" , 320.0 , 200.0 ), new Foo ( 4 , "P4" , 500.0 , 900.0 ) expectednya ketika di group akan seperti ini new Foo ( 1 , "P1" , 660.0 , 220.0 ), new Foo ( 2 , "P2" , 600.0 , 400.0 ), new Foo ( 3 , "P3" , 100.0 , 20.0 ), new Foo ( 4 , "P4" , 820.0 , 550.0 ) How To buat class Foo class Foo { private int id; private String name; private double a; private double b; public Foo ( int id, String name, double a, double b) { this . id = id; this . ...

JasperIreport textfield auto height

 add  textAdjust= "StretchHeight" and   stretchType= "RelativeToBandHeight" <textField textAdjust= "StretchHeight" > <reportElement positionType= "Float" stretchType= "RelativeToBandHeight" x= "0" y= "190" width= "555" height= "321" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows= "true" /> <textFieldExpression> <![CDATA[$P{text}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> source: